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Adventure Soccer

Inter CT's "Adventure Soccer" program introduces soccer in a fun & exciting environment for 3-5 year old players. 

Each week, our classes have fun, relevant themes to which our players can relate. These provide hidden soccer-related learning outcomes.

Our soccer curriculum provides Inter CT's youngest players with the development of motor skills, small-group interaction, communication skills, and more fundamentals needed for a great start in the Inter CT youth soccer program.

"Adventure Soccer" is a great way for players to understand "INTER" for the first time! 

The winter sessions take place at Inter CT's new High Performance Center at Sport Performance U, 37 Danbury Road.

The Registration "Adventure Soccer " is not currently available.

Learning outcomes

Ball skills:
Foundations, Toe taps, Rolling the ball, using different parts of the foot.

Motor skills:
Running, jumping, ducking, hopping, crawling, stopping & starting, ladders

Stop turn, drag back, outside hook, cruyff ( older group ) 

Attacking moves:
Change of pace to beat an opponent. Avoiding opponents. Striking a ball

Defensive moves:
Catching opponents, shielding the ball ( older group ) 

Game Play: 
Directional, sharing, recognising "out of bounds", teamwork.

Friendships, communication, listening, bonding with parents, soccer homework

Please e-mail Leon Othen if interested