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Welcome to the GK Teams Page

Goalkeepers across our age groups are rostered to their competing teams, and as goalkeeper "teams." We do this to help coordinate and schedule age-specific goalkeeper trainings each week while in-season. These may be before, after, or in place of regular training sessions. 

Our Goalkeeping Teams

Inter CT offers  Goalkeeper Teams training for the following groups: 

  • Players born in 2014 - 2013 (7v7)
  • Players born 2012 - 2011 (9v9)
  • Players born 2010 - 2008 (11v11)

From November

  • Players born 2008 - 2007
  • Players born 2006-2005

Each year, groups may change based on number of registered players and age of competition. 

Connect with our GK Director by emailing

The Aim

To provide additional knowledge & technical skill of the position to Inter CT players interested in, or already filling, goalkeeping spots on our teams.

With such a specialized position, we strive for every youth goalkeeper to better understand their roles, and to know how they can achieve the requirements for the highest levels of play. 

Goalkeeping Staff

Inter CT has a dedicated, year-round GK staff

We have specialist training in addition to team practices and a dedicated Goalkeeping Director who has the interest of the goalkeepers at heart. 

The good news? Many of our goalkeeping trainers are also full-time team coaches as well! They're able to best understand the needs of our players during training sessions, and their playing ambitions.

See more of our staff below

Marty Walker - Goalkeeper coach

Nicole Carroll - Goalkeeper Coach

Ashley Kaufman - Goalkeeper Coach

The Benefits

On Field  |  Online  |  Equipment

On-Field improvement : 


  • Personalized attention & training
  • Age, and if, appropriate, gender-specific technical training 
  • Goalkeeper-specific fitness & conditioning 
  • Session & Game evaluations
  • Match Analysis 

With so many staff members with a goalkeeping background, you can rest assured knowing that youth goalkeepers at Inter CT are well looked after. 



On-Line with Goalkeeper HQ


Inter CT is partnered with They provide an online platform for goalkeepers & parents to learn off the field. 

  • Tactical consideration of the goalkeeper
  • Goalkeeper specific physical work
  • Psychological advice for the hardest position on the field
  • Technical reminders if you missed a session

Get full access to Goalkeeper HQ's courses here  (Inter CT goalkeepers please contact Leon for your free access code ) 



Free & heavily discounted goalkeeper gloves

 Inter CT's partnership with allows pre-HS  goalkeepers to receive free gloves that have been fitted correctly. 

The club also has it's own discount code to ensure professional grade gloves are always affordable and accessible.

Year-Round GK Training Program

Open for all soccer players

Goalkeepers are in high demand — ours receive highly-specialized on-field instruction with Inter CT  Goalkeeping staff. They also get access to online resources via our partnership with Goalkeeper HQ.

We're looking for new & current GK's to be part of this exciting opportunity! 

Goalkeeper Training

Year-Round Training & Trials